Ornumin Chromium Glycinate

Ornumin Chromium Glycinate

Chromium (Cr) is one of the important micronutrients which plays an important role in metabolism. Chromium is an essential nutrient required to promote the action of insulin in body tissues so that the body can metabolize the major nutrient molecules in living cells. Chromium also activates certain enzymes and stabilizes proteins and nucleic acids. It aids in reducing the negative effects of environmental stress in Livestock animals. In ruminants, supplementation of Chromium is recommended during heat stress periods, early lactation.

Use of Chromium to have shown positive impacts on farm profitability, including increased longevity; enhanced reproduction; decreased incidence of metabolic disorders, stress effects, and disease; reduced need for antibiotic usage; improved immune response; and lean carcass quality.

Mineral Content
ORNUMIN Chromium Glycinate 8%
ORNUMIN Chromium Glycinate 10%
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